About Me

Tilak recognized expert in the realms of Security Research, DevSecOps, and Cloud Security. My journey in this field has been driven by an intense passion to create robust, impenetrable digital landscapes, and to mentor other aspiring professionals on their cybersecurity path.

A large part of my professional identity is embodied in my role as a Security Conference Trainer and Speaker. Here, I use my expertise and experience to educate my peers and the next generation of cybersecurity enthusiasts on various aspects of security research and development. As a speaker, my goal is not merely to present facts and figures but to inspire, provoke thought, and illuminate the subtle complexities of security that others may overlook.

Tilak is a trainer and speaker at multiple events across the world such as GlobalAppSecDC, AppSecUS, AppSecCali, DefCon, BlackHat USA, DjangoCon USA, DevSecCon and PyCon.

Tilak created an open source Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool called PyRaider. It’s a testament to my love for innovation and deep understanding of software security vulnerabilities. This tool has become instrumental in uncovering potential security threats in software components, reaffirming my dedication to make the digital world a safer place. Along with my individual projects, I have also contributed significantly to the enhancement of the Dependency Track and ThreatPlaybook tools.